Bay room - DCC X BC Launch Party
China Blockchain Application Center invited blockchain industry experts, tech and venture capital firms including BlackRock, Fast Company, Thomson Reuters to Bay Room for their NYC Exclusive Launch Party. This was the venue's second event since opening. Bay Room is the first dedicated event space from Danny Meyer's Union Square Hospitality Group, on the 60th floor of 28 Liberty. Guests attended a general session in Bay Room East. The room featured a balloon installation in the host brand’s colors, 4 feet tall vinyl sponsor logos on the oversized windows, and a custom step & repeat with a red carpet. After the session, striking south, west and north (twilight) views greeted guests for a celebratory cocktail reception. Giant pillars covered in floor-to-ceiling greenery with ombré accents were center stage as guests enjoyed bites from Union Square Hospitality. Glowing furniture and a projection mapping of the hosts logos added to the ambiance as sponsor logos reflected on the windows, almost becoming a part of the skyline.