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Celebrating Asia Week

New York City will get a little more beautiful tomorrow with the start of Asia Week, a ten-day celebration of Asian art. The week will be filled with nonstop events to recognize the importance of Asian culture in the world.

Every March, Asian art is on full display thanks to the collaborations between Asian art specialists, major auction houses, world-renowned museums and Asian cultural institutions. With over 50 gallery exhibitions, walking tours are being created for the public to ensure they see all they can during this nine-day art extravaganza. Whether you are interested in Contemporary art or fine Japanese prints, there is an exhibit for you. If collecting art is more your style, Sotheby's will feature Asian auctions from as far back as the Neolithic Period, featuring such relics as fine classical paintings from Bad Ashanren or the figures below from the Qing Dynasty.

Asia Week is March 9th - 18th, so lace up your walking shoes or dust off your auction paddle and enjoy as much Asian art as you can.

Happy Gallery Hopping!
-DTE Team

Photo Credit: Asia Week, Sotheby's